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WAVES 2015 - National Level Techno Management Symposium, March 2015, Anna University, COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Guindy, CHENNAI, Tamil Nadu, India

College/University/Organization Name: COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (Anna University, Chennai)
Event Date: 2015-03-01 -- 2015-03-04    (YYYY/MM/DD)
Last Date: 2015-03-01    (YYYY/MM/DD)
Address: CHENNAI, Tamil Nadu, India

Registration Fee:
Rs: 200

College/University/Organization Website: www,annauniv.edu

Event Website / Brochure link: http://www.waves15.in/

Email Address: info@waves15.in

About Event:
Waves is a national level techno-management symposium conducted by the Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, CEG, Anna University. It provides the perfect platform for the engineers of tomorrow to convene and prove their technical eminence. A plethora of events are conducted under multifarious categories including technical and management domains. Apart from serving as a platform for exhibiting talents, Waves has also got workshops that give hands on experience in both important and modern aspects of engineering thereby helping the participants to understand the nuances of the engineering world. Over the years, Waves has established itself as one of the most sought after symposiums in the technical community owing to its impeccable quality. The 33rd edition, Waves’15 will be no exception to this.

Contact Details:
Timothy V   +91 82204 37592
Karthik Kumar B S  +91 96007 02856

Tamilnadu college events, College events in tamilnadu, Engineering college technical events in tamilnadu 2015, Technical Symposium in tamilnadu 2015, symposium in tamilnadu engineering college 2015, symposium in india 2015, technical symposium in Chennai 2015, technical symposium in Anna University Chennai 2015