Organizing Department: IAETSD
Event Date: 2015-04-04 -- 2015-04-05
Last Date: 2015-03-30 (YYYY/MM/DD)
Address: Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Registration Fee:
Early Bird Round Category
Registration Fee
Under Graduate Students INR 800
Post Graduate Students INR 900
Industry Professional/ Academicians INR 1000
Under Graduate Students INR 800
Post Graduate Students INR 900
Industry Professional/ Academicians INR 1000
Email Address: iaetsdicder@gmail.com
About Event:
The International Association of Engineering and Technology for
Skill Development was established in 2013 with its headquarters in Delhi, having Registration number : 2958 was formed to provide
a platform to the Scientists, Technologists,
Academicians and Students to share and discuss the current research work
conducted by them individually or in the group to seek the solutions to the emerging problems of the society for better living
conditions. The society has the specific philosophy to encourage young scientists in the form of awards. Papers submitted are peer
reviewed and published as e-proceedings with ISBN number and ISSN number.
Other Details:
Authors who are unable to attend will have the conference
materials posted to their addresses immediately after the Conference. Please contact the conference secretariat for
more details
Contact Details:
International Conference on Developments in Engineering Research
FOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT-Bangalore-Karnataka-India
See Also