Organizing Department: EIE
Event Date: 03/17/2016 -- 03/18/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Last Date: 03/16/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: chennai, tamil nadu, India
Registration Fee:
Event Participation :150
Paper Presentation : 500 (if selected)
Workshop : 750 (including food)
Paper Presentation : 500 (if selected)
Workshop : 750 (including food)
College/University/Organization Website: srmuniv.ac.in
Event Website / Brochure link:
Email Address: eieia2k16@gmail.com
About Event:
- The events will give the clear understanding on how Instrumentation is important and can be applied in our day to day life.
- The workshop deals with the modern day "Internet of Things" and "spy botics" which is the current on going trend and which has wide scope for the future studies.
- Paper presentation include the recent on going technical researches and can help you present at the same at some renowned journals.
Who Can Participate?
Well students with basic knowledge of circuits and electrical
components can be a part of events.
Paper presentation and workshops can be taken up both by students(b.tech,m.tech) as well as teachers.
Paper presentation and workshops can be taken up both by students(b.tech,m.tech) as well as teachers.
Accommodation Details:
Yes, on request. If accommodation is needed kindly contact
before 15th March 2016
Other Details:
Certificates will be given to all the participants. Cash money
will be awarded to the best in events, quiz. Food will be provided for the
workshop participants.
Contact Details:
Harshad Agarwal: 8144398864
Raghu Varma: 9962938400
Raghu Varma: 9962938400
For any clarification about this event, please contact the above
mentioned address.
Innovations in Electronics Instrumentation and Automation-2016-SRM
UNIVERSITY-chennai-tamil nadu-India
See Also