Organizing Department: CSE
Event Date: 22/03/2016 -- 24/03/2016 (DD/MM/YYYY)
Last Date: 14/03/2016 (DD/MM/YYYY)
Address: Dindigul, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Rs. 600/-
College/University/Organization Website: www.psnacet.edu.in
Event Website / Brochure link: http://www.psnacet.edu.in/2016cseiot.pdf
Email Address: iotpsnacetibt@gmail.com
About Event:
Today, health sector is shifting to the seamless provision of
healthcare. Internet of Things (IoT) could be the trend changer in the
healthcare industry. This is changing the fabric of healthcare and leading to a
paradigm shift – it is no longer just about healing the sick. With more
information becoming available, it is now also about prevention. Sustainable
adoption of Internet of Things technology within healthcare will require
increasing cost efficient care delivery and intelligent analysis of patient
information, more economical and scalable software delivery models and new
methods for interaction between individuals and caregivers using mobile devices
and social media. In the Internet of Things (IoT), devices gather and share
information directly with each other and the cloud, making it possible to
collect record and analyze new data streams faster and more accurately.
Objectives of the Program
• To aware about the various vital diseases, their cause and prevention
• To discuss about different medical imaging techniques used to diagnose the vital diseases
• To study different challenges in wearable- healthcare monitoring systems, advanced pervasive healthcare systems.
• To get knowledge about mobile to cloud computing systems that are aimed at providing Tele- health interventions to patients with specific diseases/disorders and to individuals for healthier lifestyle
• To initiate the discussion among clinicians , technologists and engineers to synergize their efforts in producing low-cost, high-performance, highly-efficient, deployable IoT systems.
Course Contents
• Proliferating e-Health in India – Challenges and opportunities
• Patient Care and Hospital Management
• Medical Imaging Techniques and Tele medicine in IoT
• Improving patient care with big data analytics
• Internet of Things in medical devices –Prospects, challenges and the way forward & Medical Devices Demos
• Role of Sensors in IoT Medical and Healthcare Applications
Who Can Participate?
The workshop is open to post graduate students, faculty members
from academic institutions, R&D and industry participants with Biomedical
Engineering, Biotechnology, Computer Science and Engineering and Electronics
and Communication Engineering background.
Accommodation Details:
Yes, Accommodation will be provided in college hostel.
Other Details:
Dr. K. Dhanalakshmi, Professor,
Mobile No. : 9486164890
Dr. T. Hemalatha, Associate Professor,
Mobile No. : 9994980886
Mobile No. : 9486164890
Dr. T. Hemalatha, Associate Professor,
Mobile No. : 9994980886
Contact Details:
The Coordinator,
Department of computer Science and Engineering
PSNA College of Engineering & Technology,
Kothandaraman Nagar,
Phone No. : 0451 – 2554032, 2554349 Extn. : 911
E-mail ID: iotpsnacetibt@gmail.com
Department of computer Science and Engineering
PSNA College of Engineering & Technology,
Kothandaraman Nagar,
Phone No. : 0451 – 2554032, 2554349 Extn. : 911
E-mail ID: iotpsnacetibt@gmail.com
For any clarification about this event, please contact the above
mentioned address.
See Also