Organizing Department: EEE
Event Date: 03/02/2016 -- 03/02/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Last Date: 02/29/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Erode, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Rs.600 for Students
Rs.750 for Faculty
Rs.750 for Faculty
College/University/Organization Website: www.kongu.ac.in
Event Website / Brochure link: http://kamaleshms.webs.com/
Email Address: kamaleshmeped@gmail.com
About Event:
PCB design using Proteus
PCB fabrication
PCB Board drilling technique
Components soldering
PCB fabrication
PCB Board drilling technique
Components soldering
Who Can Participate?
Engineering College Students
Accommodation Details:
Other Details:
Hands On training for software design of PCB.
Also Individual boards will be given for realtime fabrication
PCB drilling and components placing will be taught
Also Individual boards will be given for realtime fabrication
PCB drilling and components placing will be taught
Contact Details:
Assistant Professor,
Department of EEE
Kongu Engineering College
Assistant Professor,
Department of EEE
Kongu Engineering College
For any clarification about this event, please contact the above
mentioned address.
PCB Design
and Layout Drawing Using Software Tools-2016-Kongu Engineering
See Also