Organizing Department: ECE
Event Date: 04/04/2016 -- 04/05/2016
Last Date: 04/02/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
INR 500 per candidate
Fee includes Lunch and refreshments.
Fee should be paid through D. D (Demand Draft) in favour of "ECE ASSOCIATION, SNS COLLEGE OF TECH"
Scanned copy of registration form and D. D must be sent to the fest mail vedictricks@gmail.com
Fee includes Lunch and refreshments.
Fee should be paid through D. D (Demand Draft) in favour of "ECE ASSOCIATION, SNS COLLEGE OF TECH"
Scanned copy of registration form and D. D must be sent to the fest mail vedictricks@gmail.com
Website: www.snsct.org
Event Website / Brochure link: www.facebook.com/quickerrmaths
Email Address: vedictricks@gmail.com
About Event:
"Quicker Maths" as the name goes provides the ability
to solve the arithmetic problems faster in mind. This training comprises the
shortcut tricks for all arithmetic complications. These trickeries are imparted
from the Vedic Mathematics which will be more essential to solve problems in
short time period. Training also embraces the quantitative aptitude problems
basics. Session will be very beneficial for clearing the Aptitude rounds for
Who Can Participate?
Students from all departments are welcomed
Accommodation Details:
Accommodation Available for participants on prior request
For accommodation, contact coordinators
For accommodation, contact coordinators
Other Details:
for more information, please visit our facebook page
Contact Details:
Staff Coordinator:
Mr. S. Srikanth - 9940717614
Student coordinator:
Vignesh. M III yr ECE - 9500217881
Mr. S. Srikanth - 9940717614
Student coordinator:
Vignesh. M III yr ECE - 9500217881
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
MATHS-2016-SNS College of Technology-Coimbatore-Tamilnadu-India
See Also