Organizing Department: Department of Computer Technology
Event Date: 04/08/2016 -- 04/09/2016
Last Date: 04/08/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Registration fee:150
Workshop fee:mentioned in the website
Workshop fee:mentioned in the website
Website: www.mitindia.edu
Event Website / Brochure link: www.prayatna.net.in
Email Address: d.balajikkdi@gmail.com
About Event:
Prayatna is a national level annual tech symposium organised by Department of Computer
Technology,MIT chennai.The symposium provides the Internship opportunities,Prize money and some
exciting coupons for the winners and runners of the Technical events. In
addition to that this Symposium also organises some interesting oneday Tech workshops.
Who Can Participate?
BE/BTECH(Any specialisations),BSC(Computer science),MCA.
Accommodation Details:
MIT HOSTELS,Hotels nearby
Other Details:
List of Workshops.
1.IOS App Development
2.Android with game development
3.Ethical Hacking
4.3D Modelling and Animation
5.Adobe Illustrator
Companies offering Internship opportunities :- Next Education,Juspay,Accolite,Terareach,Amazon,ZOHO,Voonik,Vestas,GUVI,CNSI,Inautix,Habile Technologies
List of Events:- OSPC,Debugging,Coffee with java,Iteratively recurse,Reverse coding ,Business plan, paper presentation,Linux mate,Markupmania,sqlscholar etc
1.IOS App Development
2.Android with game development
3.Ethical Hacking
4.3D Modelling and Animation
5.Adobe Illustrator
Companies offering Internship opportunities :- Next Education,Juspay,Accolite,Terareach,Amazon,ZOHO,Voonik,Vestas,GUVI,CNSI,Inautix,Habile Technologies
List of Events:- OSPC,Debugging,Coffee with java,Iteratively recurse,Reverse coding ,Business plan, paper presentation,Linux mate,Markupmania,sqlscholar etc
Contact Details:
A.R.Venkatesh babu 9442825849
D Balaji 9941815271
D Balaji 9941815271
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
ANNA UNIVERSITY-chennai-Tamilnadu-India
See Also