Organizing Department: ECE
Event Date: 06/17/2016 -- 06/18/2016
Last Date: 06/12/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: CHENNAI, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
IEEE & IET Members :
Rs. 300
Academics/Research Scholars : Rs. 500
Participants from Industries : Rs. 750
UG & PG Students : Rs. 500
Academics/Research Scholars : Rs. 500
Participants from Industries : Rs. 750
UG & PG Students : Rs. 500
Website: www.rmkcet.ac.in
Event Website / Brochure link:
Email Address: embeddedece16@gmail.com
About Event:
Embedded system is the core of every intelligent device like our
mobile phones, PDAs, Washing Machines, Microwave Ovens, Automobile and all the
automated electronics gadgets are having one or another form of embedded
systems responsible for their intelligent functioning. This workshop is planned
with an objective of providing a platform for enhancing knowledge about the
Embedded system design with ARM microprocessors and related IDE tools to
faculty of ECE, EEE, CSE & IT departments of engineering colleges across
the Country.
Who Can Participate?
Faculty, Research Scholars, Practicing Engineers, and UG/PG
Students interested in Automotive Embedded Systems, Embedded communication,
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), USART, I2C and CAN, model based system
Accommodation Details:
Other Details:
Contact Details:
The Convener,
National workshop on Embedded Laboratory
Department of ECE
R.M.K. College of Engineering and Technology,
R.S.M. Nagar, Gummidipoondi Taluk,
Kavaraipetai, Puduvoyal – 601 206
Tiruvallur District.
Phone : 044-33303555, 9841931099
Email : embeddedece16@gmail.com
Website : www.rmkcet.ac.in
National workshop on Embedded Laboratory
Department of ECE
R.M.K. College of Engineering and Technology,
R.S.M. Nagar, Gummidipoondi Taluk,
Kavaraipetai, Puduvoyal – 601 206
Tiruvallur District.
Phone : 044-33303555, 9841931099
Email : embeddedece16@gmail.com
Website : www.rmkcet.ac.in
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Workshop on
Embedded system Lab-2016-RMK college of engineering and
See Also