Organizing Department: Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Event Date: 06/04/2016 -- 06/10/2016
Last Date: 05/26/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Rajapalayam, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
No Registration Fee
Event Website / Brochure link:
Email Address: eee.ramcoinstitute@gmail.com
About Event:
The primary objective of the Faculty Development Training
Programme (FDTP) is to explain the basics of “Control Systems” to the Faculty
members of various technical institutions. This will equip the Faculty members
to teach the subject better and also enable them to offer undergraduate final
year projects in the area of Control and Automation. The topics to be focused in this FDTP includes System
representation, Time and Frequency response, Stability and Compensator design,
and State variable analysis.
Who Can Participate?
Faculty members who are working in colleges affiliated to Anna
University. Preference will be given to young faculty members who have less
number of teaching experience.
Accommodation Details:
Accommodation may be provided for outstation candidates in
College hostels, subject to availability.
Other Details:
Contact Details:
Dr. S. Kannan
Professor and Head / EEE
Tel. No. 04563 233413, 9442440249
Mr. K. Karthikeyan
Assistant Professor / EEE
Mobile: 9790061900
The Coordinator(s),
FDTP on IC6501 Control Systems,
Department of Electrical and Electronics
Ramco Institute of Technology,
Rajapalayam- 626 117.
Email: eee.ramcoinstitute@gmail.com
Professor and Head / EEE
Tel. No. 04563 233413, 9442440249
Mr. K. Karthikeyan
Assistant Professor / EEE
Mobile: 9790061900
The Coordinator(s),
FDTP on IC6501 Control Systems,
Department of Electrical and Electronics
Ramco Institute of Technology,
Rajapalayam- 626 117.
Email: eee.ramcoinstitute@gmail.com
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
ON "IC6501 Control Systems"-2016-Ramco Institute of
See Also