Organizing Department: EEE
Event Date: 12/08/2016 -- 12/10/2016
Last Date: 12/05/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Rs. 1000/-
Website: http://www.ritchennai.org/
Event Website / Brochure link: http://www.ritchennai.org/fdp/eeedeptfdp.pdf
Email Address: hod.eee@ritchennai.edu.in
About Event:
The objective of the FDP is to achieve the course objectives such as
To provide qualitative study of different renewable energy resources and the environmental aspects of electric energy conversion.
To analyze the electrical machines used for renewable energy conversion.
To equip with required skills to derive the criteria for the design of power converters for renewable energy applications.
To provide knowledge about the stand alone and grid connected renewable energy systems.
To analyze and comprehend the various operating modes of wind turbine generators and solar energy systems with maximum power point tracking algorithms.
To provide qualitative study of different renewable energy resources and the environmental aspects of electric energy conversion.
To analyze the electrical machines used for renewable energy conversion.
To equip with required skills to derive the criteria for the design of power converters for renewable energy applications.
To provide knowledge about the stand alone and grid connected renewable energy systems.
To analyze and comprehend the various operating modes of wind turbine generators and solar energy systems with maximum power point tracking algorithms.
Who Can Participate?
Faculty members of Engineering Colleges / Universities,
P.G. Scholars and Research scholars.
P.G. Scholars and Research scholars.
Accommodation Details:
Accommodation for participants will be provided on prior
Other Details:
Mr.P.R.Muralidharan, TANTRANSCO.
Mr.S.Selvakumar, ABB.
Mr.K.Dinesh,Power Projects India.
Dr.R.Rama Prabha, SSN College of Engg.
Dr.R.Seyezhai, SSN College of Engg.
Mr.P.Jeyachandran,Evergreen Solar Tech.
Mr.C.Karthik,Gogra Electricals.
Dr.K.Prem Kumar, REC.
Mr.P.R.Muralidharan, TANTRANSCO.
Mr.S.Selvakumar, ABB.
Mr.K.Dinesh,Power Projects India.
Dr.R.Rama Prabha, SSN College of Engg.
Dr.R.Seyezhai, SSN College of Engg.
Mr.P.Jeyachandran,Evergreen Solar Tech.
Mr.C.Karthik,Gogra Electricals.
Dr.K.Prem Kumar, REC.
Contact Details:
Dr.Anitha Karthi - 9841557655, 044-37181621
Mr.B.Manimaran - 9840980913
Mr.B.Manimaran - 9840980913
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Development Programme-2016-Rajalakshmi Institute of
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