Organizing Department: MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT
Event Date: 12/01/2016 -- 12/02/2016
Last Date: 11/25/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: CHENNAI, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Faculty & Research Scholars :
Rs 500 /-
Industry Participants : Rs 500 /-
Industry Participants : Rs 500 /-
Website: www.tagore-engg.ac.in
Event Website / Brochure link: www.tagore-engg.ac.in
Email Address: rdndtm16@gmail.com
About Event:
The main objective of this programme is to provide insights and
technical knowledge about Non-Destructive Testing and Material.
This Faculty Development Programme is intended to provide opportunities for faculties employed to get practical hands on training on how materials can be tested by the recent trends on Non-Destructive testing method.
This Faculty Development Programme is intended to provide opportunities for faculties employed to get practical hands on training on how materials can be tested by the recent trends on Non-Destructive testing method.
Who Can Participate?
The faculty development programme is open for faculty members
from various engineering colleges, universities and Industries.
Accommodation Details:
Participants are requested to make their own arrangements for
Other Details:
Two days FDP programme with NDT Experts from IIT Madras and
Contact Details:
Mr. N.Senguttuvan
Assistant Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engg.
Tagore Engineering College,
Ph No: 8680000599/9442661075
E-Mail: rdndtm16@gmail.com.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engg.
Tagore Engineering College,
Ph No: 8680000599/9442661075
E-Mail: rdndtm16@gmail.com.
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Development Programme on Recent Developments in Non-Destructive Testing and Materials-2016-TAGORE
See Also