Organizing Department: Information Technology
Event Date: 02/13/2017 -- 02/19/2017
Last Date: 01/21/2017 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Madurai, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
PG Students and Research Scholars : Rs 2500/-
Academic Institutions : Rs.3500/-
Participants from Industry : Rs.5000/-
In addition to the Participation Certificate, the IEEE merit Certificate will be issued based on the successful completion of the Online Test on 18.02.17
Academic Institutions : Rs.3500/-
Participants from Industry : Rs.5000/-
In addition to the Participation Certificate, the IEEE merit Certificate will be issued based on the successful completion of the Online Test on 18.02.17
College/University/Organization Website: http://www.tce.edu
Event Website / Brochure link:
Email Address: tceieeeevents@gmail.com
About Event:
The workshop aims at providing knowledge about understanding how
the machine learning techniques could be applied to IoT & Big Data. The
workshop will give industry level exposure in the area of Big Data & IoT
application development.
Who Can Participate?
Faculty members, Research Scholars and
Students from Engineering(CSE,ECE,IT) and Computer Applications discipline are
mostly welcome to participate in this workshop
Accommodation Details:
Accommodation is on First come First Serve basis
Other Details:
Extra Merit Certificate will be issued on the successful
completion of an Online Test on 18.02.17
Madurai Local Tour has been arranged on 19.02.17
Madurai Local Tour has been arranged on 19.02.17
Contact Details:
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Sponsored OneWeek IEEE Short Training Programme on "Big data & IoT :
The Strategies for Smart Environments""-2017-Thiagarajar College of
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