Event Date: 04/20/2017 -- 04/20/2017
Last Date: 04/19/2017 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: CHENNAI, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Rs. 400 (Four Hundred)
College/University/Organization Website: http://velammal.edu.in
Event Website / Brochure link: http://velammal.edu.in
Email Address: artsws17@gmail.com
About Event:
The domain of thermal sciences is vast. The more we explore, the
more we discover its omnipresent influences in our everyday life. The main
objective of the workshop is to provide a unique opportunity of presenting and
discussing recent developments in different aspects of advances in Thermal
Science and Engineering. A special emphasis is also given to the new and
emerging areas of the thermal sciences which are gradually becoming more and
more relevant in improving the quality of human life and environment around us.
In this context, the faculty members of Mechanical Engineering Department at
Velammal Engineering College felt the need of organizing a national level
workshop on Recent Advances in Thermal Science and Engineering.
This workshop would bring the academicians, researchers and practitioners in the area of thermal sciences and allied areas to a common platform to disseminate their knowledge and share their experiences. We welcome you to this challenging field, which offers exciting opportunities for learning new computational techniques in solving transportation of heat, momentum and species in flow through engineering systems, understanding of flow through micro-nano channels, development of, enhancing heat transfer in nano and micro scales, development of more efficient fuels and fuel systems, exploring new energy sources etc.
Who Can Participate?
Research Scholars, Students
Accommodation Details:
Other Details:
Contact Details:
Deepak Kumar
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Velammal Engineering College
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Velammal Engineering College
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Researches in Thermal Science-2017-VELAMMAL ENGINEERING
See Also