Organizing Department: Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Printing
Event Date: 07/05/2017 -- 07/05/2017
Last Date: 06/30/2017 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Rs.300/ each participant
College/University/Organization Website: http://www.avinuty.ac.in/
Event Website / Brochure link:
Email Address: cfpmseminar2017@gmail.com
About Event:
About the Seminar:
Carbon footprint is the measure of the environmental impact of a particular individual or organization's lifestyle or operation, measured in units of carbon dioxide. The total amount of carbon dioxide (green house gas causing global warming) or equivalent emission (direct or indirect) made to the environment during the whole life cycle of the product the result is drastic climate change. Therefore, the threat of climate change is urgent, it causes increasing land and ocean temperatures, raising global average sea level and reduced snow and ice already being observed. The world faces severe consequences, and it is time now that we must act now to reduce the impacts.
The objective of this seminar is to disseminate the significance of minimization of green house gas emissions in day today life and to use alternate energy sources to mitigate carbon foot print.
Electricity Generation
Petroleum Refining and Solid Fuel Manufacturing
Building construction
Agriculture & Fisheries
Fugitive Emissions
Sustainable green printing techniques
Cement and other Minerals
Iron and Steel and other Metals
Sustainability & Environmental Protection in Printing Sector
Other Industries
Rice Cultivation
Agricultural Soils and Field Burning of Crop Residue
Forest Land
Crop Lands
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Waste Water
Ecological sustainable printing process and waste
Carbon footprint is the measure of the environmental impact of a particular individual or organization's lifestyle or operation, measured in units of carbon dioxide. The total amount of carbon dioxide (green house gas causing global warming) or equivalent emission (direct or indirect) made to the environment during the whole life cycle of the product the result is drastic climate change. Therefore, the threat of climate change is urgent, it causes increasing land and ocean temperatures, raising global average sea level and reduced snow and ice already being observed. The world faces severe consequences, and it is time now that we must act now to reduce the impacts.
The objective of this seminar is to disseminate the significance of minimization of green house gas emissions in day today life and to use alternate energy sources to mitigate carbon foot print.
Electricity Generation
Petroleum Refining and Solid Fuel Manufacturing
Building construction
Agriculture & Fisheries
Fugitive Emissions
Sustainable green printing techniques
Cement and other Minerals
Iron and Steel and other Metals
Sustainability & Environmental Protection in Printing Sector
Other Industries
Rice Cultivation
Agricultural Soils and Field Burning of Crop Residue
Forest Land
Crop Lands
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Waste Water
Ecological sustainable printing process and waste
Who Can Participate?
members,Research Scholars,Industry persons and students of any disipline in
Engineering and Science.
Accommodation Details:
Other Details:
Contact Details:
Organizing Secretary - 9843961011
B.Srividya, Co-ordinator - 9486121265
B.Srividya, Co-ordinator - 9486121265
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Seminar on "CARBON FOOTPRINT MITIGATION"-2017-Faculty of Engineering,
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women,
See Also
cfpm'17-Coimbatore-2017-Faculty of Engineering, Avinashilingam
Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore-tamilnadu