Organizing Department: EEE
Event Date: 08/03/2017 -- 08/03/2017
Last Date: 07/31/2017 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: ERODE, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Rs 590 /- INR through DD
only in favour of IIPCELL GRANT IN AID AC
College/University/Organization Website: http://www.kongu.ac.in/events/eeeard.pdf
Event Website / Brochure link:
Email Address: karthik.prm@gmail.com
About Event:
• Essential attributes on Embedded Systems
• Exploring ARDUINO for Embedded Systems
• Developing, testing and debugging using ARDUINO IDE v1.6.5
Role of Integrated Development Environment in Simulation and Embedded C Programming
• Embedded Programming Tool paradigm for Project design using ARDUINO
Arduino Simulation design suite v1.0.1 for Simulating/emulating the project to be developed
• Serial Interface to ARDUINO
• Interacting with the Outside World Using Simple I/O devices
LEDs & Buzzer Interfacing
• Essential attributes on Embedded Systems
• Exploring ARDUINO for Embedded Systems
• Developing, testing and debugging using ARDUINO IDE v1.6.5
Role of Integrated Development Environment in Simulation and Embedded C Programming
• Embedded Programming Tool paradigm for Project design using ARDUINO
Arduino Simulation design suite v1.0.1 for Simulating/emulating the project to be developed
• Serial Interface to ARDUINO
• Interacting with the Outside World Using Simple I/O devices
LEDs & Buzzer Interfacing
Switch (DIP) InterfacingInterfacing PotentiometersInterfacing SensorsBuzzer/Piezoelectric Speaker
InterfaceSeven Segment Display InterfacingLCD InterfacingStepper Motor/DC motor
InterfacingADC interfacing•Working with GSM module in ARDUINO•Project
development using ARDUINO Board
Who Can Participate?
This Workshop
with Hands-on Training is beneficial for Diploma, UG & PG Students. The
workshop is especially for the benefit of the students who are doing projects
in the field of embedded system.
Accommodation Details:
Accomodation will be provided as it is a one day Workshop
Other Details:
You have more power than you think. By attending this one day
Workshop with Hands-on Training, a thinking process effectively emerges to
build/develop and use software tools to design your own idea that paves way to
success. With your commitment in this Training, you can enhance your knowledge
in Programming Embedded systems using software development tools that we taught
and you will learn/know how to program an ARDUINO board to suite for a system
controlled applications.
Contact Details:
98436 26288, EEE Department, Kongu Engineering College, Erode, India 9843626288
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
One day
Workshop with Hands-on Training on "Real Time Project Design using
ARDUINO: Tools and Techniques"-2017-Kongu Engineering College,
See Also
ARDUINO '17-ERODE-2017-Kongu Engineering College,