Organizing Department: Production Engineering
Event Date: 08/12/2017 -- 08/12/2017
Last Date: 08/11/2017 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Filled up registration form is to be submitted along with the DD
for registration fee drawn in favour of “PSGCNCE” payable at Coimbatore.
Students of Engineering Colleges* : Rs 1660/-
(Inclusive of service tax - 18%)
➢ Registration fee includes Coursematerials, tea and working lunch.
➢ We expect students active participation to enhance their knowledge in CNC Machining.
Students of Engineering Colleges* : Rs 1660/-
(Inclusive of service tax - 18%)
➢ Registration fee includes Coursematerials, tea and working lunch.
➢ We expect students active participation to enhance their knowledge in CNC Machining.
College/University/Organization Website: http://psgtech.edu/
Event Website / Brochure link:
Email Address: spratheeshkumarth@gmail.com
About Event:
Event Details/Highlights
➢ Introduction to CAD/CAM software
➢ Introduction to Modeling and CAM concepts
➢ Selection of cutting parameters
➢ Tool path verification
➢ NC Code generation
➢ Machine specification and different parts of CNC
➢ Machine control panel options FANUC oi-MD
➢ Operating modes in CNC.
➢ Tool and Work set up.
➢ Tool offset parameter setting
➢ Wear offset register
➢ Programming incorporating cutter radius compensation
➢ Canned cycles programming
➢ Introduction to CNC machines and machining parameters
➢ Axis nomenclature for Turing & Milling
➢ Machine datum & Work datum
➢ Co-ordinate systems
➢ Programming structure
➢ Programming cycles - Drilling & Tapping
➢ Concept of cutter radius compensation
➢ Introduction to CAD/CAM software
➢ Introduction to Modeling and CAM concepts
➢ Selection of cutting parameters
➢ Tool path verification
➢ NC Code generation
➢ Machine specification and different parts of CNC
➢ Machine control panel options FANUC oi-MD
➢ Operating modes in CNC.
➢ Tool and Work set up.
➢ Tool offset parameter setting
➢ Wear offset register
➢ Programming incorporating cutter radius compensation
➢ Canned cycles programming
➢ Introduction to CNC machines and machining parameters
➢ Axis nomenclature for Turing & Milling
➢ Machine datum & Work datum
➢ Co-ordinate systems
➢ Programming structure
➢ Programming cycles - Drilling & Tapping
➢ Concept of cutter radius compensation
Who Can Participate?
Limited seats
only, this programme is only for engineering college students.
Accommodation Details:
Being a one
day workshop accommodation arrangements were not made.
Other Details:
Interested Students are kindly requested to send the following
documents for registration.
1. Filled Registration Form
2. Bonafide Certificate (or) Xerox copy of College identity card
3. Demand Draft
Kindly confirm your registration through phone call to organizing committee ( 9489227914 )
1. Filled Registration Form
2. Bonafide Certificate (or) Xerox copy of College identity card
3. Demand Draft
Kindly confirm your registration through phone call to organizing committee ( 9489227914 )
Contact Details:
S. Pratheesh
kumar / Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Production Engineering,
PSG College of Technology,
Coimbatore - 641 004.
Dept. of Production Engineering,
PSG College of Technology,
Coimbatore - 641 004.
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Programming in CNC Turning Centre & Vertical Machining Centre-2017-PSG
College of Technology-Coimbatore-Tamilnadu-India
See Also
CNC WORKSHOP 2017-Coimbatore-2017-PSG College of