Event Date: 12/07/2017 -- 12/09/2017
Last Date: 11/30/2017 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee: Rs. 2,500/- per Participant (Includes
refreshment, lunch, take away hardware
kit, train-ing materials and certificate)
Hardware kit includes Node MCU ESP8266, sensors, motors, drivers and other accessories.
Hardware kit includes Node MCU ESP8266, sensors, motors, drivers and other accessories.
College/University/Organization Website: http://www.ritchennai.org/
Event Website / Brochure link: https://sites.google.com/view/iotrit/fdp-on-iot
Email Address: coeiotrit@gmail.com
About Event:
This Faculty development program focus on training the
participants to use the development boards for the implementation of IoT based
industrial automation applications.
Course Content Day 1:
Introduction & Getting Started with Arduino
Session 1: Introduction to Embedded System Embedded Systems in IoT ESP8266, Node MCU Node MCU Configuration
Session 2: Working with digital pins, Interfacing and configuration of LED, Buzzer and switches Working with analog pins, Configuring ADC, potentiometers, serial communication, I2C interface for display
Course Content Day 2:
Node MCU, Sensor, Actuator and Communication module interfacing
Session 1: Node MCU Configuration Sensors and actuators interfacing , Moisture, Light, Flame, Temperature & Hu-midity, IR, PIR, Gas, Piezo Vibration, and Sound sensors, 3 axis accelerometer Actuators, GPS/GSM interfacing with Node MCU. Web server using Node MCU, HTML basics, HTTP protocol concepts, Configuring Node MCU as local web server , Server / Client model configuration, Analyzing sensor data and controlling actuators using HTTP protocol remotely .
Session 2: Cloud interfacing with Node MCU Used cases - Social media - SMS, Telegram, email, twitter using cloud services
Course Content Day 3:
Session 1: Implementation of their innovative ideas
Session 2: Demonstration of their Project to the Juries
Course Content Day 1:
Introduction & Getting Started with Arduino
Session 1: Introduction to Embedded System Embedded Systems in IoT ESP8266, Node MCU Node MCU Configuration
Session 2: Working with digital pins, Interfacing and configuration of LED, Buzzer and switches Working with analog pins, Configuring ADC, potentiometers, serial communication, I2C interface for display
Course Content Day 2:
Node MCU, Sensor, Actuator and Communication module interfacing
Session 1: Node MCU Configuration Sensors and actuators interfacing , Moisture, Light, Flame, Temperature & Hu-midity, IR, PIR, Gas, Piezo Vibration, and Sound sensors, 3 axis accelerometer Actuators, GPS/GSM interfacing with Node MCU. Web server using Node MCU, HTML basics, HTTP protocol concepts, Configuring Node MCU as local web server , Server / Client model configuration, Analyzing sensor data and controlling actuators using HTTP protocol remotely .
Session 2: Cloud interfacing with Node MCU Used cases - Social media - SMS, Telegram, email, twitter using cloud services
Course Content Day 3:
Session 1: Implementation of their innovative ideas
Session 2: Demonstration of their Project to the Juries
Who Can
and Faculty members across India.
accommodation will be provided to outstation participants on request
(Restricted to 30 on first come first serve basis)
Other Details:
Contact Details:
Three Days FDP on IoT for Industrial Applications,
Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology,
e-mail ID : coeiotrit@gmail.com
Mobile : +91-7010971881, 9789982701
Three Days FDP on IoT for Industrial Applications,
Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology,
e-mail ID : coeiotrit@gmail.com
Mobile : +91-7010971881, 9789982701
For any
clarification about this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Days Faculty Development Program on Internet of Things (IoT) for Industrial
Applications-2017-Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology-Chennai-Tamilnadu-India
See Also
FDP-IOTRIT'17-Chennai-2017-Rajalakshmi Institute of