Organizing Department: Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Event Date: 04/06/2016 -- 04/08/2016
Last Date: 03/22/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
refer the website: www.icrest16@gmail.com
Website: www.saveetha.com
Event Website / Brochure link: www.icrest16.com
Email Address: laviraju88@gmail.com
About Event:
The purpose of this International Conclave on Renewable Energy
Systems and Technology (ICREST) is to bring together researchers, engineers,
manufacturers, practitioners and consumers from all over
the world to share the advances and developments in renewable energy research, applications and opportunities. The outcome of this conclave will be a contribution to the sustainable development of nations through science, technology, innovation and public policies. On the behalf of organizing committee, we invite the researchers,
academicians, industrialists, stake-holder and General Public to participate in the event.
the world to share the advances and developments in renewable energy research, applications and opportunities. The outcome of this conclave will be a contribution to the sustainable development of nations through science, technology, innovation and public policies. On the behalf of organizing committee, we invite the researchers,
academicians, industrialists, stake-holder and General Public to participate in the event.
Who Can Participate?
UG/PG Students
Research scholars
school students
UG/PG Students
Research scholars
school students
Accommodation Details:
Yes, In saveetha Hostel
Other Details:
Contact Details:
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Saveetha School of Engineering
Chennai-602 105
E-mail : laviraju88@gmail.com
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Saveetha School of Engineering
Chennai-602 105
E-mail : laviraju88@gmail.com
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Conclave on Renewable Energy Systems & Technology -2016-Saveetha School of
See Also