Organizing Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Automobile Engineering, MCET
Event Date: 04/30/2016 -- 04/30/2016
Last Date: 03/31/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Research Scholars/Students: Rs.500
Academicians/R&D/Industry: Rs.1000
The registration fee is to be paid through
crossed demand draft, drawn in favour of
“The Principal, Dr. Mahalingam College
of Engineering and Technology” payable
at Pollachi.
Academicians/R&D/Industry: Rs.1000
The registration fee is to be paid through
crossed demand draft, drawn in favour of
“The Principal, Dr. Mahalingam College
of Engineering and Technology” payable
at Pollachi.
Website: www.mcet.in
Event Website / Brochure link:
Email Address: ncmmae16@mcet.in
About Event:
The conference aims to provide platform to researchers, students, faculty and practitioners from the industry in order to discuss and inculcate the advancements in Materials and Mechanical Engineering and innovative methodologies for diverse area of applications.
Conference themes
Conference themes
Track 1 : Materials Engineering
Track 2 : Design Engineering
Track 3 : Manufacturing Engineering
Track 4 : Thermal Engineering
Track 5 : Automobile Engineering
Note: Topics are not limited to the above in the area
of Materials, Mechanical and Automobile Engineering
Who Can Participate?
Engineering college students, academicians and Industry
personnel at our institution
Accommodation Details:
Boarding and lodging will be provided for
the participants at nominal rates.
the participants at nominal rates.
Other Details:
Contact Details:
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Conference on Materials, Mechanical and Automobile Engineering -2016-Dr.
Mahalingam College of Engineering &
See Also