Organizing Department: ECE
Event Date: 06/27/2016 -- 07/01/2016
Last Date: 06/15/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: KANCHIPURAM, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
RS.1000/- Per Participant
Website: www.kanchiuniv.ac.in
Event Website / Brochure link: http://kanchiuniv.ac.in/images/events/event_files/fdp.pdf
Email Address: dinesh_6003@yahoo.com
About Event:
The aim of the FDP is to introduce young teachers and
researchers to the world of research and also to introduce new research
techniques to experienced faculty members. Topics to be covered are trends in
Wireless Digital Communications, Impact of nonlinearities in fiber-optic
communication systems, WiMax Design, Ultra Wideband Systems, Long term Evolution,
Software Defined Radio, Networking concepts, Channel coding schemes for the
improvement of noise performance, Simulation using Vsim, Multisim, Matlab.
Who Can Participate?
Faculty of ECE, E&I, ICE, CSE & IT
Accommodation Details:
Yes (Accommodation on
Payment basis with prior request
will be arranged in nearby hotels on sharing basis).
will be arranged in nearby hotels on sharing basis).
Other Details:
Contact Details:
Shri. M.Vinoth & Shri.T.Dineshkumar
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE,
SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram, TamilNadu-631561.
Cont. no:+918754581922,+919677464705
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE,
SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram, TamilNadu-631561.
Cont. no:+918754581922,+919677464705
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Development Programme on “Recent Trends & Tools in Modern Wireless & Digital Communication Networks”-2016-SCSVMV
See Also