Event Date: 05/30/2016 -- 06/05/2016
Last Date: 05/24/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: KAZHIPATTUR, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Participants should be faculty members in AICTE approved
Engineering Colleges from CSE and IT departments and affiliated to Anna
University, Chennai.
There is no registration fee. Participants will be selected on First come, first served basis and priority will be given to young faculty, limited
to 25 Nos.
Accommodation will not be provided
There is no registration fee. Participants will be selected on First come, first served basis and priority will be given to young faculty, limited
to 25 Nos.
Accommodation will not be provided
Website: www.aiht.ac.in
Event Website / Brochure link: www.aiht.ac.in
Email Address: fdtpcsegrid@gmail.com
About Event:
The purpose of this Faculty Development Training Programme
(FDTP) is to provide wide exposure for faculty members in handling the course
Grid and Cloud Computing laboratory.
Grid Computing paradigm, support technologies
which provides information services, name services and resource brokering services. Cloud Computing is an emerging IT development, deployment and delivery model, enabling delivery of products, services and solutions over the Internet.
This course will also be useful for the faculty members who are really interested in pursuing a research and to upgrade their knowledge in the area of Grid and Cloud Computing.
Content of The FDTP
Grid Computing paradigm, support technologies
which provides information services, name services and resource brokering services. Cloud Computing is an emerging IT development, deployment and delivery model, enabling delivery of products, services and solutions over the Internet.
This course will also be useful for the faculty members who are really interested in pursuing a research and to upgrade their knowledge in the area of Grid and Cloud Computing.
Content of The FDTP
- Web Services for Calculator
- OGSA-compliant Web Service
- Apache Axis Develop a Grid Service
- Java or C/C++ Grid APIs
- Security Mechanisms in Globus Toolkit
- Implement GRAM
- C compiler in the Virtual Machine
- Procedure for Hadoop Cluster
- Hadoop Cluster using FUSE
Who Can Participate?
Participants should be faculty members in AICTE approved
Engineering Colleges from CSE and IT departments and affiliated to Anna
University, Chennai.
Accommodation Details:
Accommodation will not be provided
Other Details:
Contact Details:
The Coordinator
FDTP on Grid and Cloud Computing
Department of Computer Science &
Kalasalingam Nagar, OMR Road,
Chennai - 603 103
Email: fdtpcsegrid@gmail.com
Contact No: 9994387814, 9941439481
FDTP on Grid and Cloud Computing
Department of Computer Science &
Kalasalingam Nagar, OMR Road,
Chennai - 603 103
Email: fdtpcsegrid@gmail.com
Contact No: 9994387814, 9941439481
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Development Training Programme-2016-ANAND INSTITUTE OF HIGHER
See Also