Organizing Department: Management Studies
Event Date: 05/27/2016 -- 05/28/2016
Last Date: 05/22/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Nagapattinam, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Academician & Research Scholar- Rs. 2000
PG Students- Rs. 1000
Publication fee will be intimated to the participants after the review process.
PG Students- Rs. 1000
Publication fee will be intimated to the participants after the review process.
Email Address: icirm16@egspec.org
About Event:
This conference will provide a wide platform to all the research
scholars, academicians and the budding managers to view their innovative
opinions and as well as to get the awareness about the urge for creative
managerial thinking. Themes of the papers are related to Marketing, Finance, Human
Resources, Production and Systems.
Who Can Participate?
Faculty members, Research Scholars and PG students from
Management Studies, Commerce, Economics and other Social Studies
Accommodation Details:
Yes, It is available in our college Hostel
Other Details:
Payment should be made through crossed demand drawn in favour of
"The Principal, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam"
Contact Details:
ICIRM16-Organising Secretary
Department of Management studies
EGS Pillay Engineering College
Nagapattinam 611002
ICIRM16-Organising Secretary
Department of Management studies
EGS Pillay Engineering College
Nagapattinam 611002
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Conference on Innovative Research in Management-2016-E.G.S.Pillay Engineering
See Also