College/University/Organization Name: Pondicherry Engineering College
Organizing Department: Department of Chemical Engineeering
Event Date: 06/20/2016 -- 06/25/2016
Last Date: 06/10/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Pondicherry, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
There is no registration fee for the applicants from AICTE approved Institutions.
Registration Form can be downloaded from the Institute website (www.pec.edu). Interested participants shall apply through post/fax/email with the prescribed format duly signed and forwarded by the head of the sponsoring institution. The selection results will be intimated to the participants through email and college website.
Last date for registration: 10.06.2016
Intimation of selection : 12.06.2016
Website: www.pec.edu
Event Website / Brochure link: www.pec.edu
Email Address: srinivasang@pec.edu
About Event:
This course is an overview of engineering Approaches to
protecting water quality with an emphasis on fundamental principles. Theory and
conceptual design of systems for treating industrial waste water will be
discussed as well as reactor theory, process kinetics and models. Physical,
chemical and Biological processes are presented including sedimentation,
Membrane Separation, Biological treatment and sludge Processing. Finally, there
is a discussion on Engineered and Natural Processes for waste water treatment.
Topics to be discussed
1. Engineered Waste Water Treatment Methods
2 .Mathematical Modelling of Environmental Systems
3. Emerging Technology for Waste Water Treatment
4. RO Process as a technology for Waste Water Treatment and its salient Aspects
5. Membrane bioreactor
6. Plant Based Water Treatment Methods
7. Biofuel Production from waste water.
1. Engineered Waste Water Treatment Methods
2 .Mathematical Modelling of Environmental Systems
3. Emerging Technology for Waste Water Treatment
4. RO Process as a technology for Waste Water Treatment and its salient Aspects
5. Membrane bioreactor
6. Plant Based Water Treatment Methods
7. Biofuel Production from waste water.
Who Can Participate?
The Faculty Members / Research Scholars of AICTE approved
Engineering Colleges / Polytechnics and Professionals from Industry are
eligible to apply for the curse. The number of seats is limited to 40.
Accommodation Details:
No TA/DA will be paid to the participants. Working lunch, tea
and refreshments will be provided to all the participants. Accommodation will
be arranged on request to the outstation participants at their own expenses.
Other Details:
Contact Details:
9442215600 , 9629800769
srinivasang@pec.edu , pallavhee_82@yahoo.com
9442215600 , 9629800769
srinivasang@pec.edu , pallavhee_82@yahoo.com
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Sponsored Short Term Training Programme
on Recent Trends in Industrial Effluent Treatment -2016-Pondicherry Engineering
See Also