Organizing Department: Center for Continuing Education - Sri Ramakrishna Engineering
Event Date: 08/17/2016 -- 08/23/2016
Last Date: 08/01/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Educational Course Fees:
Rs. 7000/- Inclusive of Taxes per module shall be paid directly to the certifying institutions.
At the end of the course, those completing the course successfully will receive a Certificate from SREC signed by both SREC and PRICOL Technologies Ltd., Coimbatore
Rs. 7000/- Inclusive of Taxes per module shall be paid directly to the certifying institutions.
At the end of the course, those completing the course successfully will receive a Certificate from SREC signed by both SREC and PRICOL Technologies Ltd., Coimbatore
Email Address: center4continuingeducation@gmail.com
About Event:
Center for Continuing Education - Sri Ramakrishna
Engineering College
Certificate Course on Embedded System, I.o.T and Data Analytics
Certificate Course on Embedded System, I.o.T and Data Analytics
Module -1:Embedded System &IOT
Architecture of Microcontrollers: Arduino and ARM
Software Engineering for Embedded System
Interfacing -UART, SPI, I2C
Real time operating systems/Open Source Platform
Various sensors and wireless devices for systems like WiFi, GPS, GSM.
Protocols –BLE, CAN, Zigbee
Application Development
Module 2: Big Data Analytics and Cloud Computing
New Levels of Empiricism and Insight
Establishing a Software Supply Chain of Collecting, Organizing, Managing, Measuring, Analyzing, and Reporting Large Amounts of Disparate Data on an Ongoing Basis.
Introduction to SaaS, PaaS, IaaS
Remotely Based Computing Resources
Servers, Databases and Applications
The SMAC Stack
Applications in Real Time Environments
Competent Faculty from areas of Embedded, IOT and Data Analytics with Industry experts from PRICOL Technologies Ltd., Coimbatore
Course Duration
The course consists of theory classes and lab classes spread over a period 40 hours (either 1 week or during 3 weekends). The classes will be conducted at SREC.
Who Can Participate?
Eligibility: Candidates with B.E./B.Tech Degree in Electrical,
Electronics CSE, IT and allied disciplines or equivalent or pursuing III/IV
year and ME graduates /pursuing.
Accommodation Details:
Yes -Payable Basis
Other Details:
Important Details:
Last Date for Receipt of Applications : 1st August 2016
Admission for the course : 17th August 2016
Last Date for Receipt of Applications : 1st August 2016
Admission for the course : 17th August 2016
Contact Details:
How to Apply: The application form can be downloaded from the
website: www.srec.ac.in . Completed applications shall be sent along with a DD
for Rs. 7000/ (inclusive of all taxes)- drawn in favor of The Principal, Sri
Ramakrishna Engineering College, Payable at Coimbatore to The Principal,
Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College,
Vattamalaipalayam, N.G.G.O. Colony Post, Coimbatore – 641 022.
Contact Details
Dr.S.Jayanthy, Professor/ECE,SREC
Contact No. 9629432034
Mr.A.Arunraja, A.P/ECE,SREC
Contact No. 9095262645
Contact Details
Dr.S.Jayanthy, Professor/ECE,SREC
Contact No. 9629432034
Mr.A.Arunraja, A.P/ECE,SREC
Contact No. 9095262645
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Course on Embedded System, I.o.T and Data Analytics-2016-Sri Ramakrishna
Engineering College Jointly with Pricol Technologies
See Also