Organizing Department: Chennai
Event Date: 07/23/2016 -- 10/07/2016
Last Date: 07/27/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
100 students (min.) x Rs.250/student = Rs.25,000/-
Website: http://targetsoft.in/
Event Website / Brochure link: http://targetsoft.in/iot-training-chennai/
Email Address: events@appdhoom.com
About Event:
Greetings from Target Soft Systems - Appdhoom,
Over the last two years, we have successfully completed two editions of appdhoom with the support, co operation and the impeccable commitment you have shown.
Our next edition appdhoom 3 this year will be on IoT – Internet of Things, the latest buzz word. Target Soft Systems plans to conduct one day hands on workshop in your college in the coming months. We request the same commitment from you to make this event a grand success. The following is the plan of action, which we have to do together.
Who Can Participate?
CSE, IT, EEE, ECE Final Year & Pre Final Year Students can
participate in this event - Minimum 100 students per day
Accommodation Details:
No. There is no
accoomodation required, as this is a one day workshop.
Other Details:
• Target Soft we
will be conducting one day hands on IoT workshop at your college premises
during July / Aug / Sep 2016
• The required IOT kit will be brought by TSS shared among the participants for usage during the workshop; we will also take care of the require infrastructure for cloud access.
• The College can accommodate a maximum of 100 participants, both students and faculty member.
• CSE, IT, EEE, ECE Final Year & Pre Final Year Students can participate in this event.
• TSS will provide certificate to all participats.
• All participants will be given a login password to our LMS and can access the learning content
• Through this access to the learning content, the students can access free for 3 months until they complete the project.
• Participants can form groups and come up with their projects and submit to us before the due date for valuation and short listing.
• Technical experts from the Industry will conduct the evaluation and Shortlisted projects will be rewarded.
• The total Cost of the program including work shop delivery, Configuration of IoT kit , Cloud apps creation, Access to LMS and 3 months remote support will be Rs 25,000/-
• College can accommodate 100 participants for this one day hands on workshop.
• TSS will depute two technical experts during this session
The following are the Benefits,
1. Skills building on Latest IoT Technology
2. JOB Opportunities with leading organizations
3. Opens up student minds to think out of the box to come up with real time industry projects using IoT
4. Certification from TARGET SOFT SYSTEMS for all participants
5. Awards and prizes to be won.
You can confirm your college participation by filing up the details below and send the reply email to us.
Request you to kindly fill up the following detail.
College Name
District Preferred date for One day work shop – Pls refer to the district wise schedule
Name of HOD
HODs Mobile Number Email ID
• The required IOT kit will be brought by TSS shared among the participants for usage during the workshop; we will also take care of the require infrastructure for cloud access.
• The College can accommodate a maximum of 100 participants, both students and faculty member.
• CSE, IT, EEE, ECE Final Year & Pre Final Year Students can participate in this event.
• TSS will provide certificate to all participats.
• All participants will be given a login password to our LMS and can access the learning content
• Through this access to the learning content, the students can access free for 3 months until they complete the project.
• Participants can form groups and come up with their projects and submit to us before the due date for valuation and short listing.
• Technical experts from the Industry will conduct the evaluation and Shortlisted projects will be rewarded.
• The total Cost of the program including work shop delivery, Configuration of IoT kit , Cloud apps creation, Access to LMS and 3 months remote support will be Rs 25,000/-
• College can accommodate 100 participants for this one day hands on workshop.
• TSS will depute two technical experts during this session
The following are the Benefits,
1. Skills building on Latest IoT Technology
2. JOB Opportunities with leading organizations
3. Opens up student minds to think out of the box to come up with real time industry projects using IoT
4. Certification from TARGET SOFT SYSTEMS for all participants
5. Awards and prizes to be won.
You can confirm your college participation by filing up the details below and send the reply email to us.
Request you to kindly fill up the following detail.
College Name
District Preferred date for One day work shop – Pls refer to the district wise schedule
Name of HOD
HODs Mobile Number Email ID
Address for communication Number of
participants Tentative Number of
systems to accommodate the participants
Colleges are requested to choose workshop dates based on this schedule only
July 28th - Aug 5th Sep 5th - Sep 9th Aug 22nd -Sep 2nd Aug 8th-Aug 19th Sep 12 - Sep 22 nd July 18th - July 27th
Colleges are requested to choose workshop dates based on this schedule only
July 28th - Aug 5th Sep 5th - Sep 9th Aug 22nd -Sep 2nd Aug 8th-Aug 19th Sep 12 - Sep 22 nd July 18th - July 27th
Contact Details:
Co ordinator – Appdhoom - 3
Target Soft systems,
8/3, Sarojini Street, T. Nagar,
Chennai - 600017.
Email:- events@appdhoom.com
Target Soft systems,
8/3, Sarojini Street, T. Nagar,
Chennai - 600017.
Email:- events@appdhoom.com
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
3-2016-Target Soft Systems-Chennai-Tamilnadu-India
See Also