Organizing Department: Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Event Date: 12/09/2016 -- 12/10/2016
Last Date: 11/11/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Registration Fees
Foreign Delegates 200 US $
Indian Delegates from Industries Rs.2500 /-
Academicians and Research Scholars Rs.2000/-
P.G. Students Rs.1500/-
Registration Fees
Foreign Delegates 200 US $
Indian Delegates from Industries Rs.2500 /-
Academicians and Research Scholars Rs.2000/-
P.G. Students Rs.1500/-
Website: www.eeicc.in
Event Website / Brochure link: www.eeicc.in
Email Address: eeicc2016@gmail.com
About Event:
The objective of E2IC2 '2016 is to provide an enchanted
knowledge for professionals of special ethnicity to express and outline their
vision on the Research and Development activities in the mixture of area. This
conference offers chance for foremost researchers, engineers, and scientists to
exchange original thoughts and applications in relation to most recent
developments and to locate inclusive partners for further collaborations.
Who Can Participate?
The authors who wish to contribute to the conference are
solicited to submit their paper that illustrate research result, project,
surveying works, review and industrial experiences addressing the
state-of-the-art research and development in all areas related to Electrical,
Electronics, Instrumentation and Computer Communication.
Accommodation Details:
No, but can be arranged with prior information
Other Details:
Contact Details:
Organizing Secretary-E2IC2-2016
Professor & Head/ Department of EIE
Karpagam College of Engineering.
Myleripalayam village, Othakkal Mandapam(Po)
Coimbatore-641 032
Ph: 0422-2619026
Fax: 04222619046
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
International Conference on Electrical Electronics Instrumentation and Computer
Communication (E2IC2)-2016-2016-Karpagam college of Engineering
See Also