Organizing Department: Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Event Date: 11/23/2016 -- 11/23/2016
Last Date: 11/22/2016 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Academicians: Rs.300
PG Students / Research Scholars: Rs.200
Mode of payment – DD/ Cash
The DD should be drawn in favour of “DMI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING” payable at Chennai.
(Please send your Scanned Registration form along with copy of DD to the mail id : dmice.eee@gmail.com)
PG Students / Research Scholars: Rs.200
Mode of payment – DD/ Cash
The DD should be drawn in favour of “DMI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING” payable at Chennai.
(Please send your Scanned Registration form along with copy of DD to the mail id : dmice.eee@gmail.com)
Website: http://www.dmice.ac.in/
Event Website / Brochure link: https://sabercathost.com/1aiz/FDP_-_Brochure_TD.docx
Email Address: www.dmice.eee@gmail.com
About Event:
The main objective of this programme is to provide insights and technical knowledge about the significance of Transmission and Distribution subject to the budding electrical engineers.
The Organizers aim at creating an approach towards global exchange of information on technological advances, research areas towards automation in this field.
This Faculty Development Programme is intended to provide opportunities for faculties employed to get practical hands on training on how to mathematically evaluate the increasing complexities in the current scenario and what are the possible solutions that can be identified.
The main objective of this programme is to provide insights and technical knowledge about the significance of Transmission and Distribution subject to the budding electrical engineers.
The Organizers aim at creating an approach towards global exchange of information on technological advances, research areas towards automation in this field.
This Faculty Development Programme is intended to provide opportunities for faculties employed to get practical hands on training on how to mathematically evaluate the increasing complexities in the current scenario and what are the possible solutions that can be identified.
Who Can Participate?
Faculty members working in Anna University Affiliated colleges
belonging to the Department of EEE,EIE & ECE are eligible.
Faculty members must be from Anna University constituent or affiliated colleges.
Faculty members must be from Anna University constituent or affiliated colleges.
Accommodation Details:
No Accomodation Since One Day FDTP
Other Details:
Contact Details:
FDTP Coordinator,
Department of EEE,
DMI College of Engineering,
Palanchoor, Nazarethpet (po),
Chennai – 600123
Mobile No.: Mr.Mahavishnu,
Mr. Suresh
Email Id.: dmice.eee@gmail.com
Department of EEE,
DMI College of Engineering,
Palanchoor, Nazarethpet (po),
Chennai – 600123
Mobile No.: Mr.Mahavishnu,
Mr. Suresh
Email Id.: dmice.eee@gmail.com
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
One Day
Faculty DevelopTraining Program On Transmission & Distributionement
-2016-DMI College of Engineering, Chennai-Chennai-Tamilnadu-India
See Also