Organizing Department: MBA
Event Date: 01/26/2017 -- 01/27/2017
Last Date: 01/23/2017 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: TIRUCHIRAPPALLI, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Rs. 1500
College/University/Organization Website: http://www.jim.ac.in/index/
Event Website / Brochure link:
Email Address: mdp@jim.ac.in
About Event:
Do you need help jumpstarting your proposal, thesis, or
dissertation writing? Do you want to become a more productive writer to meet
your goals and deadlines for completing your proposal, thesis, or dissertation?
You will have these questions answered in this camp. You will improve your skills as a thesis writer. Writing your journal article, thesis or dissertation in English adds an extra challenge for researchers.Therefore, we encourage you to participate in this Thesis Writing Boot Camp.
You will have these questions answered in this camp. You will improve your skills as a thesis writer. Writing your journal article, thesis or dissertation in English adds an extra challenge for researchers.Therefore, we encourage you to participate in this Thesis Writing Boot Camp.
Who Can Participate?
M. Phil / PhD
Research Scholars of Social Sciences /
Accommodation Details:
No. If
required it can be arranged.
Other Details:
• To equip
research scholars with a set of skills and potentiality to undertake research
very effectively in the disciplines of social science.
• To offer practical guidelines and direct researchers on how to write a good research report.
• To deal with formats and styles used in writing an article and dissertation.
• To develop conceptual clarity and practical knowledge to undertake quality research, project proposals, writing good research papers, field-reports and standard reporting of thesis.
• To offer practical guidelines and direct researchers on how to write a good research report.
• To deal with formats and styles used in writing an article and dissertation.
• To develop conceptual clarity and practical knowledge to undertake quality research, project proposals, writing good research papers, field-reports and standard reporting of thesis.
Contact Details:
Prof. Janet
Asst Professor / MDP Coordinator
St. Joseph’s Institute of Management (JIM)
Asst Professor / MDP Coordinator
St. Joseph’s Institute of Management (JIM)
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Writing Boot Camp-2017-St.Joseph's Institute of Management, St.Joseph's
See Also