Organizing Department: School of Electrical Engineering
Event Date: 06/15/2017 -- 06/16/2017
Last Date: 06/14/2017 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Vellore, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Technical members/Engineers: Rs. 1000
Research Scholars /Students: Rs. 500
Research Scholars /Students: Rs. 500
College/University/Organization Website: http://www.vit.ac.in/
Event Website / Brochure link:
Email Address: agopi@vit.ac.in
About Event:
This course will give knowledge about the electrical engineering
laboratory practical skills and electric circuit simulation. The basic
objective of the program is to train the technical members to enhance the
knowledge of electrical engineering experiments as on present development.
Who Can Participate?
officers, Technical assistants and Laboratory assistants from engineering
collages and Universities. Members from industries, UG, PG students and
Research Scholars.
Accommodation Details:
available on payment basis. Details given in the online registration link.
Other Details:
Topics to be covered:
Lecture about electric circuits and Power Converters. Training with Orcad –Pspice software.
Understand the basics of electrical machines, control systems and protection in power system. Hands-on experiments.
Introduction to the MATLAB circuit simulation using MATLAB Sim power system tool.
Lecture about various pulse generation schemes for power electronics circuits. Training on use of dsPACE and measuring instruments.
Lecture about electric circuits and Power Converters. Training with Orcad –Pspice software.
Understand the basics of electrical machines, control systems and protection in power system. Hands-on experiments.
Introduction to the MATLAB circuit simulation using MATLAB Sim power system tool.
Lecture about various pulse generation schemes for power electronics circuits. Training on use of dsPACE and measuring instruments.
Contact Details:
Mr. A. Gopi,
Technical Officer,
Co-ordinator: LABTEE-2017
School of Electrical Engineering (SELECT)
Mobile: 9789255727
Email: agopi@vit.ac.in
Technical Officer,
Co-ordinator: LABTEE-2017
School of Electrical Engineering (SELECT)
Mobile: 9789255727
Email: agopi@vit.ac.in
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Two days
workshop on "Laboratory Practical Skills Training in Electrical
Engineering"-2017-VIT University, Vellore Campus.-Vellore-Tamilnadu-India
See Also
LABTEE-2017-Vellore-2017-VIT University, Vellore