Organizing Department: School of Electrical Engineering
Event Date: 08/04/2017 -- 08/06/2017
Last Date: 07/31/2017 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Vellore, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Faculty/Industry Experts/Scientists: Rs. 2,000/-
(Registration fees includes 14 % tax)
(Registration fee Includes a kit, working lunch and snacks. Certificate will be issued to all the registered participants.)
Registration and payment can be done in online or through DD
Online registration and payment link: http://info.vit.ac.in/workshop2017/PowerElectronics/apply.asp
DD in favor of ‘VIT University’ payable at Vellore, Tamil Nadu.
(Registration fees includes 14 % tax)
(Registration fee Includes a kit, working lunch and snacks. Certificate will be issued to all the registered participants.)
Registration and payment can be done in online or through DD
Online registration and payment link: http://info.vit.ac.in/workshop2017/PowerElectronics/apply.asp
DD in favor of ‘VIT University’ payable at Vellore, Tamil Nadu.
College/University/Organization Website: http://www.vit.ac.in/
Event Website / Brochure link:
Email Address: p.ponnambalam@gmail.com
About Event:
Power electronics is the application of solid-state electronics
to the control and conversion of electric power. With the advancements in the
field of semiconductor devices, high-speed, high-power devices have been made
available. This has facilitated the development of sophisticated power
electronic systems for a wide range of applications (e.g. AC motor drives).
This power electronics systems requires reliable control techniques. A
considerable reduction in hardware can be realized if the control techniques
have decision-making capabilities. This has been made possible by the advent of
microprocessors and microcontrollers that are both powerful and easy to
interface with systems. The ARM processor has further reduced the size of the
hardware with more inbuilt interfaces. In this FDP the procedure for using ARM
processor to control the power electronics hardware circuit will be discussed.
(Hands-on training will be provided)
(Hands-on training will be provided)
Topics to be covered
Introduction to ARM Processor
Use of timer for creating triggering pulses
PWM generation in ARM Processor
Use of Interrupts in ARM Processor to vary the output of power electronics circuit
Programming ADC and DAC of ARM
Speed control of DC motor using ARM
Hands-on with ARM Processor and power Electronic circuits
Who Can Participate?
Faculties of
Engineering college and polytechnics can attend this event
Accommodation Details:
will be provided on payment basis
Other Details:
Contact Details:
Associate Professor.
Dr. S.Sreejith, Associate Professor
Prof. R.Marimuthu, Asst. Prof. (Sr)
School of Electrical Engineering,
VIT University, Vellore,
Tamilnadu - 632 014.
Dr. S.Sreejith, Associate Professor
Prof. R.Marimuthu, Asst. Prof. (Sr)
School of Electrical Engineering,
VIT University, Vellore,
Tamilnadu - 632 014.
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Development Program on ARM Processor for Power Electronics-2017-VIT University
See Also
FDP on APPE' 2017-Vellore-2017-VIT University Vellore-tamilnadu