Organizing Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Event Date: 05/19/2017 -- 05/19/2017
Last Date: 05/12/2017 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
For participants from Industry: Rs.1500/-
For participants from academic Institutions: Rs. 750/-
For Students / Research scholars: Rs. 500/-
DD details: DD in favor of "Mechanical Engineering association" payable at Chennai.
For participants from academic Institutions: Rs. 750/-
For Students / Research scholars: Rs. 500/-
DD details: DD in favor of "Mechanical Engineering association" payable at Chennai.
College/University/Organization Website:
Event Website / Brochure link:
Email Address: fdpmnm2017@gmail.com
About Event:
Nowadays, meso (1-10
mm) and micro
(1-1000 μm) manufacturing are emerging
as an important
technology specially in the areas where miniaturization yields economic and technical benefits,
namely, aerospace, automotive, optical, biomedical and similar other areas.
The demand of industries for μ-manufacturing of various types of materials (metallic, ceramics and plastics) is increasing day by day. Miniature parts have
applications in various
industries like electronics, medicine,
communication, avionics and others. Some of the examples of the products that require μ-manufacturing are micro
holes in fiber
optics, micro nozzles for high temperature jets, micro molds etc. In case
of advanced machining
processes, material is removed at micro level either by mechanical means (USM, AJM, MAF), thermal erosion (EBM, LBM), anodic dissolution (ECM), chemical reaction or combination of two or more than two processes, called hybrid machining. μ-machining can be placed in the group of precision machining and ultra precision machining. μ-machining can be divided into two categories like bulk μ-machining where comparatively large amount of material is removed when compared with surface.
Who Can Participate?
members and research scholars of Engineering & Technology, and Science can
participate. Industry practitioners may also participate.
Accommodation Details:
Yes, at
reasonable cost at University hostel, contact for further details.
Other Details:
Contact Details:
Mr. S.
Oliver nesa raj
Assistant Professor (Sr.G)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
SRM University, Kattankulathur 603 203
Mobile No. 9840591594
Official mail id:
Assistant Professor (Sr.G)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
SRM University, Kattankulathur 603 203
Mobile No. 9840591594
Official mail id:
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Micro and
Nano Manufacturing-2017-SRM University-Chennai-Tamilnadu-India
See Also
FDP on MNM-Chennai-2017-SRM University-tamilnadu