Organizing Department: Aeronautical Engineering
Event Date: 08/30/2017 -- 08/31/2017
Last Date: 08/25/2017 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
Registration fee is Rs.1500 per head
College/University/Organization Website: https://www.srec.ac.in
Event Website / Brochure link:
Email Address: sedssrec@gmail.com
About Event:
Cansat is an satellite design and launch workshop for
engineering and school studentswho are all have passion in aerospace
engineering and satellite designing! This will give you hands-on experience in
satellite creation.
Who Can Participate?
School students,
Engineering students from all branches
Accommodation Details:
Accommodation is available! Rs.250 per head.
Other Details:
Cansat is a Arduino based satellite. In this workshop you can
create and design your own satellite during this workshop. You can participate
with your team(5 members per team).
Contact Details:
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
SATELLITE DESIGN AND LAUNCH WORKSHOP-2017-Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College,
See Also
CANSAT-WORKSHOP-Coimbatore-2017-Sri Ramakrishna Engineering
College, Coimbatore-tamilnadu