Organizing Department: Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Event Date: 07/08/2017 -- 07/08/2017
Last Date: 07/08/2017 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
Registration Fee:
IEI members :Rs.200/-
Non IE(I) members/ Delegates from Pvt./Govt. Organisations :Rs.300/-
Students :Rs.100/-
Non IE(I) members/ Delegates from Pvt./Govt. Organisations :Rs.300/-
Students :Rs.100/-
College/University/Organization Website: https://selvamtech.edu.in
Event Website / Brochure link:
Email Address: deanacademic@selvamtech.edu.in
About Event:
Conservation of energy is important in our day today life. The energy consumed by us are mostly generated by using fossil fuels like coal, nuclear materials which will get
depleted within few decades and force us to rely on renewable energy sources.
Further burning of fossil fuels emits carbon-dioxide which is harmful to
mankind and pollutes the environment. Hence conservation of energy not only
helps us to save money but also eliminates adverse environmental impacts
related to energy generation and consumption.
Energy conservation increases the lifetime of equipment and reduces the maintenance cost due to less operating hours.
Energy wastage occurs by our carelessness such as failing to switch of the light, fan, etc. Since conservation of one unit of energy is equivalent to generation of two units of energy creating awareness about energy audit and conservations techniques among engineering students and faculty members will have a positive impact towards energy conservation.
The seminar includes the following titles:
• Energy Management System
• Auditing of Electrical Energy Systems
• Auditing of Lighting Systems
• Auditing of Domestic Equipments
• Standards & Labeling
• Financial Analysis for Energy Savings
• Renewable Energy Sources & their importance in Energy Savings.
• Energy Conservation techniques
Energy conservation increases the lifetime of equipment and reduces the maintenance cost due to less operating hours.
Energy wastage occurs by our carelessness such as failing to switch of the light, fan, etc. Since conservation of one unit of energy is equivalent to generation of two units of energy creating awareness about energy audit and conservations techniques among engineering students and faculty members will have a positive impact towards energy conservation.
The seminar includes the following titles:
• Energy Management System
• Auditing of Electrical Energy Systems
• Auditing of Lighting Systems
• Auditing of Domestic Equipments
• Standards & Labeling
• Financial Analysis for Energy Savings
• Renewable Energy Sources & their importance in Energy Savings.
• Energy Conservation techniques
Who Can Participate?
and Polytechnic students of ECE, EEE, E&I, Energy And Mechanical
Faculty members from ECE, EEE, E&I, Energy And mechanical Department.
Faculty members from ECE, EEE, E&I, Energy And mechanical Department.
Accommodation Details:
Yes. Base on
request from participants.
Other Details:
Contact Details:
Organizing Secretary
Department of EEE
Selvam College of Technology, Ponnusamy Nagar
Pappinacikenpatti (post)
Salem Road(NH-7), Namakkal 637 003, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: 9750939938 Web:www.selvamtech.edu.in
Organizing Secretary
Department of EEE
Selvam College of Technology, Ponnusamy Nagar
Pappinacikenpatti (post)
Salem Road(NH-7), Namakkal 637 003, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: 9750939938 Web:www.selvamtech.edu.in
For any clarification about
this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Auditing and Energy Conservation Techniques-2017-Selvam College of
See Also
EAECT17-Namakkal-2017-Selvam College of Technology-tamilnadu