Department: EEE
Event Date: 03/03/2018 -- 03/03/2018
Last Date: 03/03/2018 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Address: Dindigul, Tamilnadu, India
Faculty/ Research Scholars : Rs. 500/-
PG Students : Rs. 400/-
PG Students : Rs. 400/-
College/University/Organization Website: http://www.psnacet.edu.in/
Event Website / Brochure link: http://psnacet.edu.in/2018fcs/
Email Address: vimala79@gmail.com
About Event:
Reserves of oil, on which the world currently depends so
heavily, are diminishing at an alarming rate, will run out before much longer
and are not renewable. Other fossil fuels such as coal also have a limited life
span. Fuel cells are often portrayed as the answer to the world’s pressing need
for clean, efficient power. They are also seen as a key component in a future
hydrogen economy that will substantially reduce or eliminate pollutant and
greenhouse gas emissions associated with current power generation and
transport. Fuel cells do not burn the fuel; the conversion takes place
electrochemically without combustion. Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies are
seen as
energy solutions for the 21st century, which will enable power and heat to be produced cleanly and efficiently from sources of energy such as wind, solar or biofuel. This programme aims to provide an integrated strategic plan for the Research and Development of Fuel Cell Technologies.
energy solutions for the 21st century, which will enable power and heat to be produced cleanly and efficiently from sources of energy such as wind, solar or biofuel. This programme aims to provide an integrated strategic plan for the Research and Development of Fuel Cell Technologies.
Who Can
Faculty and
PG students specialized in Power Electronics / Power System of Engineering
Colleges are eligible to attend this seminar.
Boarding and
Lodging will be provided with reasonable charge in the college hostel on
Other Details:
Contact Details:
Dr. R.
Assistant Professor,
Department of EEE,
PSNA College of Engg. and Tech.,
Dindigul – 624 622,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Mobile: 9965497316
E-mail: vimala79@gmail.com
Assistant Professor,
Department of EEE,
PSNA College of Engg. and Tech.,
Dindigul – 624 622,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Mobile: 9965497316
E-mail: vimala79@gmail.com
For any
clarification about this event, please contact the above mentioned address.
Engineering and Technology-Dindigul-Tamilnadu-India
See Also
National Seminar -Dindigul-2018-PSNA College of Engineering and